
'American Idol' Winner Chayce Beckham Reveals The Two Country Singers that Inspired him

Chayce Beckham on 'American Idol'Eric McCandless/ABC via Getty Images

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Chayce Beckham has had plenty of success after his American Idol win, and a big part of that success is due to his two biggest inspirations. The American Idol season 19 winner revealed the country singers that became his inspirations on a podcast talk.

Who Inspired Chayce Beckham’s Music?

During an interview on the season finale of The Adamantium Podcast, a Canadian podcast hosted by Adam Harrison, Beckham revealed the two country singers that influenced him the most, Luke Bryan and Luke Combs, whom he met on American Idol.

Before winning the show, Beckham was an avid fan of both Bryan and Combs’ songs. Beckham is currently a close friend of Bryan and he’s even gone on tour together with Combs.

“It’s cool to meet people like that you know? I’ve heard Luke Bryan on the radio forever man and he’s just one of the biggest guys in country,” Beckham said. “And then Luke (Combs) comes too, and it’s like give it a go and be on tour with these guys, it’s mind-boggling.”

Beckham sang on American Idol together with Combs and was asked to open for Combs’ tour after winning the show. With Bryan though, the two opted for a little more private get-together by going fishing in Tennessee. Now a country music icon himself, Beckham shows plans of making a collaboration with the two in the future.

He Shared the Experience that Led him to Write his Hit Song “23”

Beckham’s hit song “23,” bagged him a Canadian Platinum Award which brought him to tears as he received it. The country singer surprised a lot of fans when he revealed the experience that led him to write the song and that it only took him 15 to 20 minutes.

On the same podcast, Beckham shared where he was at the time of writing “23,” and that he didn’t expect it to become a hit at the time. He also revealed that the song is very personal for him and he didn’t like to sing it that often at the time of writing.

“At the time I’ve written it, it wasn’t something I’d ever want anyone to listen to,” Beckham said. “My girlfriend at the time, I remember we were breaking up and she was moving all of her stuff out of the house, and I wrote that song when she was out.”

Beckham detailed that by the time his girlfriend went back to pick up the other stuff, he sang the song for her but it didn’t stop her from leaving. More unfortunate events happened to Beckham following the breakup which led to him ending up in jail. Although he admits that he wasn’t proud of that song at the time, it has helped his music career in the long run.

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Update: 2024-08-25