
Even though it’s the 21st century, society seems to still have trouble accepting men who wear feminine clothing. But skirts and dresses on men often look absolutely stunning, so there’s literally no reason for these fashion items to be worn exclusively by women. 1. Vin Diesel The Fast and Furious star is confident enough in his masculinity that he had no issue wearing a cool leather skirt to an award show in 2003. It’s likely that he was being respectful, because the event took place in Scotland, but we’re willing to bet that he more than enjoyed his look that night.
We are all used to seeing many various actors starring in one movie: the main ones, the supporting ones, and actors of crowd scenes. As a rule, the abundance of dialogue, people, and dynamic scenes causes excitement. But still, each movie is unique in its own way: some of them can boast the presence of numerous roles, while others can surprise viewers with the acting abilities of one bright star. We at Bright Side always get surprised at how one actor can perfectly show the director’s idea and get the viewers to completely drown in the plot.
If you’ve ever had déjà vu while looking at a celebrity, we might know the reason. Some famous people eerily look like people from the past (others who were also in the spotlight). For example, Anne Hathaway bears a striking resemblance to actress Pier Angeli, famous in the 1950s. Go ahead and see for yourself. Bright Side will now make you see double with these famous look-a-likes. 1. Sophia Loren and Sofia Vergara 2. Dorothy Dandridge and Doja Cat 3. Shalom Harlow and Olivia Wilde
It’s easy to lose hope when there’s negativity looming all around us in our daily lives. But thanks to some of the kindest souls that exist on this planet, we realize that it’s not all that bad a place to live in after all. These generous people can be baristas who write good day messages for you on your coffee cup or police officers that help injured dogs in the rain. We at Bright Side have mad respect for such heroes and are honored to highlight more of them below as they continue to restore our faith in humanity, good deed by good deed.
Donald Duck, a character in the Disney animated series Duck Tales, once said to his girlfriend, “Honey, I wanted to buy you a diamond ring, but the jewelry store was closed, so I bought you a yogurt.” Some people seem to follow the same principle in life. With a poker face, they can present their loved ones with a pen they found in their bag, a frayed comb with hair sticking out of it, or a lint remover for cleaning clothes. These situations have even happened to a 12-year-old birthday boy, and the people who give these presents can be your own grandmother, aunt, or mom and dad.
Movies are a majority of people’s favourite options for entertainment. There are different genres of movies, and therefore, everyone can be sure to find what suits their preferences. Sometimes, while watching a film, you may come across thought-provoking ideas or stories that are out of the norm. Such movies are entertaining yet puzzling. Discover some of the best movies that make you think. Have you ever watched a movie that left you with endless questions in mind?
When celebrating your 18th birthday, thinking of unique and age-appropriate ideas can take time. While you probably won't want to do anything as wild as having a birthday party in Las Vegas, you still want your celebration to be something you won't forget soon. Here are 18th birthday ideas for your 18th birthday that will help you remember this special day forever. Whether you want to spend the day with your friends, go on a trip with your family or stay home alone with no plans, it's up to you.
In 2015, about 14 million people in the US considered themselves to be in a long-distance relationship. Of that, 3.75 million married couples were in a long-distance relationship. Unlike popular belief, nearly 6 out of 10 couples found success in dating from afar, according to a survey. This goes to show that relationships can work despite being geographically separated from each other, as long as each partner puts effort into it. Bright Side breaks down the things that couples should never neglect to do if they want their long-distance relationship to last. 1. Be interested in your partner’s life, but don’t be intrusive.
Most people tend to believe that new relationships can cure them of a painful breakup or loneliness. However, psychologists are sure that we need to have a sensible approach to start all over with a new partner again and do this only after time passes — to be sure that we are ready for a new chapter. Bright Side found out what signs can help understand that the time to let someone new and special in your life has finally arrived. 1. Your past doesn’t cause negative emotions.