
38 Spanish terms for soccer lovers

If the best way to learn Spanish is immersion, then the best way to immerse yourself in the Spanish language is to join a football (or soccer) team. As I’ve mentioned before, once upon a time I played for an amateur Czech soccer club while I lived in Prague. Thanks to kinaesthetic learning, I picked up Czech vocabulary much quicker than in the classroom. The same goes for Spanish. Whether it’s a beer league or a serious team, join up and connect with native Spanish speakers. Talk to them about their number one sport fútbol. Let’s learn a few Spanish terms about soccer for soccer lovers. 

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Basic Spanish vocabulary for soccer

When it comes to football, focus on colloquial usage. As you might guess, sports are not the domain of the prim and proper. For today’s lesson, we cover both formal and informal football terms in Spanish. Don’t forget to review your body parts in Spanish for a better understanding of Spanish soccer terms. 

Spanish soccer termEnglish translation
gol – goalgoal
fuera de lugaroffside
tarjeta amarilla/rojayellow/red card

Spanish vocabulary for soccer players

What’s better than an online Spanish lesson? How about watching a football match on the telly and calling it a study session? Go ahead. Here are Spanish vocabulary words used for football players and officials on the pitch. 

Spanish soccer termEnglish translation

Spanish soccer terms for different countries

What about the goalkeeper? Lingoda blog readers already know that Spanish vocabulary changes from country to country. This goes for football too. Just like Americans say ‘soccer’ and ‘field’ for football pitch, you will hear different words across the Spanish-speaking world

Spanish soccer termLatin America SpanishEnglish translation
el porteroarquero, guardameta goalkeeper
la porteríael arco, la metathe goal
la selecciónel equipo de fútbolthe football team (roster)
tiro penalpenalti (Mexico)penalty kick
una chilenabicycle kick (surely this is not what they call it in Chile, right?)

Spanish phrases for on the pitch

Any footballer will tell you that communication on the pitch is important. Players talk (ok shout) to each other constantly. They need to know what’s going on and find the open space to play. Here are one-word or short phrases you will hear from teammates during a match. Remember, if you hear pelota or balón on the pitch, your teammate is asking for the ball. 

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Spanish soccer termEnglish translation
aquí/acáhere (pass it here)
otro ladoswitch (play to the other side)
asíjust like that, good job
otra vezagain (another time)
te llegamark on/man on (literally: they are arriving to you)
estoy sola/oI’m alone (free, no mark)
barreteslide tackle
barrerawall (defence during a direct kick)

More Spanish vocabulary for the football pitch

If you learn Spanish at home, turn on a football match from Spain.  Spanish-speaking commentators will help you to soak up even more football words in Spanish. Here is more Spanish vocabulary for the pitch itself.  

Spanish soccer termEnglish translation
bienwell-played, well-done
el área grande/penalbig area (6-metre penalty zone)
el área chicosmall area (goal box)
saque de esquinacorner kick
saque de bandathrow-in

In fast-paced sports situations like football, teammates have to share information in short phrases or words. This is when it comes in handy to have a solid understanding of Spanish direct and indirect object pronouns. Here is some Spanish pronoun usage for football. 

Spanish soccer termEnglish translation
pásamelapass me the ball
róbaselasteal the ball
pegarle (al balón)shoot (the ball)
se la perdió (s)he missed a sitter (a scoring chance)

Kicking hard with those Spanish soccer terms

From football terms to things you will hear on the pitch, this vocabulary lesson got you ready to join a real league. Training and matches will put you in unique immersion situations that will help your Spanish fluency take off. Whether it’s in your head or in real life, just imagine the incredible feeling of scoring a cabezazo beautiful header and hearing that classic Spanish-speaking commentator shouting for you: ¡GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!

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Alison Maciejewski Cortez

Alison Maciejewski Cortez is Chilean-American, born and raised in California. She studied abroad in Spain, has lived in multiple countries, and now calls Mexico home. She believes that learning how to order a beer in a new language reveals a lot about local culture. Alison speaks English, Spanish, and Thai fluently and studies Czech and Turkish. Her tech copywriting business takes her around the world and she is excited to share language tips as part of the Lingoda team. Follow her culinary and cultural experiences on X.


Tandra Barner

Update: 2024-08-15